What's on this term?
Winter 2025

Activity Tots
1.30pm - 3pm
The Hideaway play area
Parents with kids 2-4yrs
Themed session with singing, crafts, free play for parents with younger children. This is a very active group with different things to try each week.
Groups, Younger Children, Carers, Mums, Dads

Alpha Course
1.30pm - 3pm
The Hideaway Classroom
All adults
Is there more to life than this? Share your views, listen to others, and find out what faith might look like over a free lunch. 8 sessions during term-time. Creche available.
Carers, Dads, Mums, Course

Baby group
11.30am - 12.30pm
The Hideaway classroom
Carers with babies 6m - pre-walking
Small informal group with snacks and activities for babies 6m - pre-walking and their mums. Weekly theme and peer support.
Groups, Babies, Mums, Course

Craft & A Cuppa
1pm - 2.30pm
Ark Lounge at The Hideaway
All adults
A small group of people enjoying a brew, a chat and a chance to have a go at an easy craft each week. Just turn up!
Mums, Dads, Carers, Groups

Dad & Kid Lego
9am - 10.30am
The Hideaway
Dads or male carers with kids age 6-14
A monthly session for dads/male carers and kids to enjoy together. Build a special Lego set (with the option to take it home) or let your imaginations run wild building your own creation.
Dads, Older children, Carers

Dad Skills Group
7.30pm - 9pm
The Hideaway
Dads and male carers
Starting Tuesday 21st January and running for 5 weeks. A relaxed space where you can chat about the joys and challenges of being a dad and learn some top tips for improving your skills as a dad.
Dads, Carers, Groups

Drama Club
4pm - 5pm
The Hideaway
Children age 7 to 11
Be creative and explore the imaginative world of performing arts! Led by our in-house drama expert, April, this is a brilliant space to try something new and have fun!
After school, Older children

Early Risers
8.30am - 10.30am
The Hideaway
Children under 5
Saturdays can get pretty busy with older kids, this quiet session gives our little Early Risers chance to play in peace. Breakfast is available and extra activities are provided. (please book ahead as occasionally other events take place instead)
Younger Children, Babies, Carers, Mums, Dads

Footie Club
4pm - 5pm
The Hideaway Sports Area
Children age 6 to 11
Footie skills and challenges with Sam and Nathan.
After school, Older children

Girls' Night Out
7.30pm - 9.30pm
The Hideaway
All women age 16+
A monthly night out just for the ladies! With food, crafts, quizzes, games, and more.
Mums, Carers

Grandparents group
9.30am - 11.30am
The Hideaway, play area
Grandparent carers with children
Free play session to meet other grandcarers.
Groups, Younger Children, Babies, Carers

Green Tots
10am - 11am
The Hideaway Hideout
Children age 2+ (walkers)
Green Tots is moving indoors for winter. We'll bring nature indoors as children enjoy planting and exploring various aspects of animals and nature through activities and messy play.
Younger Children, Groups, Carers, Mums, Dads

Gym Tots
11am - 12pm
The Hideaway
Little ones who are walking or toddling
Brand new for 2025! We have some fabulous equipment for little ones to balance, climb, and play through this mini gym tots physical activity session.
Groups, Younger Children, Mums, Dads, Carers

11.30am - 12.30pm
The Hideaway classroom
Children age 3+
Weekly additional craft session for younger children to enjoy while they're playing at the Hideaway. Over the weeks children will enjoy activities such as chocolate making, biscuit decorating and slime making.
Younger Children

Home-Ed Club
11.30am - 1pm
The Hideaway
Home educated children up to 11
This group provides a dedicated space for children who are home-educated and their carers to meet others and engage in some fantastic activities. Each week there will be a range of fun, engaging and educational activities including physical games in the sports area, crafts and baking activities, all led by our lovely Danielle.
Families are welcome to have lunch together at a reserved table after the session.
Older children, Younger Children, Carers, Dads, Groups, Mums

Kids Bake Off
Thursday - from 13th March
4pm - 5pm
The Hideaway Classroom
Kids age 6 to 11
Cooking club for kids. Learn to bake a whole range of delicious foods.
After school, Older children

Lego club
4pm - 5pm
The Hideaway classroom
Children age 6-11
Weekly after-school club during term time. Parents are welcome to drop kids off or stay for the session. Children will take part in weekly theme challenges together or can free play by themselves.
After school, Older children

Little Tots
The Hideaway classroom
Parents with 1-2yrs olds
Music, movement, crafts, free play
Groups, Younger Children, Babies, Mums, Dads, Carers

Men's Night Out
7.30pm - 9.30pm
The Hideaway
All men age 16+
A monthly evening out just for men! With great food, games, time to hang out with old and new friends, and more.
Dads, Carers

Minecraft club
4pm - 5pm
The Hideaway, Hideout
Children age 6-11
Creative Minecraft challenges, all tech provided. Parents are welcome to drop off their children.
Older children, After school

New mum relax & chat
10am - 11am
The Hideaway play area
New mums & babies (up to 6m)
Support group for new mums with brews and new friends. Share stories, get advice.
Groups, Babies, Carers, Mums, Course

Our Club (SEND)
4.30pm - 6.30pm
The Hideaway
Children 4-10 with SEND and their families
During this popular closed session, the Hideaway is adapted for children with SEND. The session has extra activities, trained staff and opportunities for carers to connect with others, receive support and peer support.
Older children, Carers, Mums, Dads

Who let the dad’s out?
8.30am - 10.30am
The Hideaway
Dads with kids 0-10
Monthly (please check dates) exclusive use session for dads and kids. Breakfast is free and included as well as some activities and chance to play. The Hideout is open for older children.
Groups, Older children, Younger Children, Babies, Dads

Young Carers
4.30pm - 6pm
The Hideaway
Children age 5-11
Weekly drop-off play session with fun activities! Attendees must first register with Trafford Young Carers.
After school, Carers, Older children