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Hideaway closed until 2021

The Hideaway team

With the announcement that Greater Manchester is to remain in tier 3 after the second lockdown, this does sadly mean that the Hideaway is unable to re-open it’s doors for open play sessions. We’re in the Borough of Trafford which despite the lowest Covid-19 infection rate in Greater Manchester – which is below the England national average and that of many areas placed in tier 2, we are subject to yet further restrictions. Obviously we’re yet again incredibly frustrated and saddened by this.

The tier 3 restrictions will remain in place until at least 16th December.

Will we open on 17th December?

There is a strong possibility with rapidly falling rates that Trafford will be under tier 2 restrictions after 17th December (or around that date). This tier allows for play centres to re-open under the same conditions as we had for the 8 short weeks we were allowed to open, as well as our café. We have already made the decision that regardless of the tier 2/3 status at the next review, we will not reopen on 17th December or for the rest of 2020.

Why can’t we open for a few days?

Stocking our café and preparing food takes at least 6 days. Our wholesale suppliers can only deliver on particular days and lots of things have to be prepared for being open. This means we need at least 6 days’ notice from an announcement to be able to prepare our café, organise our massive staff team and have everything ready for re-opening.

An announcement on the 16th Dec (earliest) would take us to the 22nd December. From 23rd December – 27th December our staff team are allowed to see their families for what is for many, the first time in almost a year. We won’t be asking anyone to work over that period.

After the 28th, the same 6 day rule applies for preparing the Hideaway to re-open which takes us to 3rd January 2021.

Therefore provided that Trafford is in Tier 2 by 28th December, the Hideaway will re-open Monday 4th January 2021.

What about mum&me and learning?

The Mum&me groups and all learning will continue as it has been through lockdown until we’re allowed to fully re-open when adjustments will be made.



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